Workflow Tips
For WordPress Theme Developers

Tip #1
Create a starter repo
my starter repo

Include plugins used on local & production

Include your starter theme

Tip #2
Create a local dev plugin
My local wp-config
define('LOCAL_URL', '');
define('REMOTE_URL', '');
define('LOCAL_LIVE_RELOAD', true);
define('LOCAL_IMAGE_PROXY', true);
Admin bar before

Admin bar after

Tip #3
Switch to VVV
(varying vagrant vagrants)
VVV project on GitHub

VV Site Wizard

VVV dashboard

More reasons to use VVV
Ideal for lots of small projects
Blueprint feature
WP-CLI built in
phpMyAdmin built in
Auto backup DBs on halt
Tip #4
Use Migrate DB Pro
Takes care of the serialised data

Easily pull a database down

Easily push a database up

Tip #5
Checkout Dash
Offline docs for WordPress

offline docs for everything

Tip #6
Save time with a Task Runner
Grunt or Glup
Compile Sass with LiveReload
Concatenate and minify CSS & JS
Generate sprites and compress images
My current gulp setup

Tip #7
Deploy via GIT

Deploy HQ

Deploy Bot

Via a WP PLugin : GitHub Updater

Tip #8
Automate Git Commands
$ gc
git status -s
git add --all :/
read commit_message
git commit -am "$commit_message"
git push
Tip #9
Automate your workspace
Open your text editor or IDE
Start Gulp or Grunt 'Watch'
Run git status or git pull
Start Vagrant / VVV
$ start project
cd ~/vvv/www/
run script
cd ~/vvv/www/my-repo-dir
git pull
cd ~/vvv/www/my-theme-dir
open theme folder in sublime
gulp watch
vagrant up
Tip #10
Use Alfred Workflows
Quick access to Dash Docs & your Gists
Convert Colours HEX to RGB
Easily find font awesome icons
Alfred workflows